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Multipoint gluing for cardboard boxes and cartonboard boxes

We offer multipoint gluing on a range of die cuts, up to six points of glue, alongside other gluing requirements you may have.

Bobst Multipoint Gluing

Multipoint gluing

In box manufacture, multipoint gluing can be used during the production process to hold flaps and seams securely in place.

In custom designed boxes, multipoint gluing can be part of the design process to ensure the box is sealed and reinforced at key stress points. 

The advantages of multipoint gluing:

  • Increased strength - multipoint gluing helps to distribute the stress across a larger area, which improves the overall durability of the box
  • Improved sealing - helps to better seal the box, preventing the box from coming apart during transit
  • Better load distribution - by gluing at multiple points, the weight of the box is distributed more evenly, reducing the risk of damage

Come to us for your multipoint gluing requirements to ensure your boxes perform optimally for storage and distribution.

Multipoint Gluing Services

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